Background Information about Catherine Morris
Catherine has mostly lived and worked in Yorkshire. Her first teacher was her father, a skilled amateur painter and when young she often used to go out on sketching trips with him into the countryside. It was these trips that gave her a love of landscape which provides some of her inspiration now.
After pursuing a more academic education and career she returned to art in later years, taking A level Art as a mature student and gaining an A* grade. From that point she received most of her artistic training from artists whose work she admired, spending the last 10 years at the Redbrick Art Academy in West Yorkshire run by renowned artist Tom Wood. She finds inspiration from many sources - as well as landscape, she has produced a series of animals based on images taken whilst on safari in Tanzania. She also enjoys the challenges of portraiture and abstraction. She has shown her work in galleries across the north of England and is a member of several local art collectives in Yorkshire
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Catherine Morris
Land Form 5