Product description
My work is hand built using slabs cut from a grogged earthstone clay, red or grey, at leather hard the pots are brushed with a sigilata slip ,and burnished. After once firing to 980 Degrees, I apply the design with a basic slip, I follow with a decorative smoke firing, done in a bonfire bin. This is not a hot firing, the dampened down fire creates a small reduction to happen, encouraging the smoke to mark the surface of the pot. The slip acts as a resist and when scrubbed off leaves the design in the colour of the body of the clay. Then the work is scrubbed and dried. The pots get a beeswax polish to finish.
The pots have the tactile earthy quality I am looking for. Influenced initially by African Art as well as natural forms and textures, my hand built vessels and jewellery have a tribal feel. Currently I am enjoying a more contemporary development to my work. Fusing old techniques with modern design.
Background Information about Laura Hancock
Recent products
Laura Hancock
Two sided smoke fired red earthenware pot 02