Product description
This series of work began with a collection of shells and stones gathered on the shore at Walberswick. Water, movement, texture and light were created by working on a Gelli plate with paper stencils, monoprinting techniques and collage. A sense of place, a new viewpoint, a continuous shifting of shapes and objects. The title of this exhibition feels just right for this work.
Background Information about Jude Eldridge
Birds have featured in my paintings, prints, collages and cards for many years, both here in Yorkshire and while I lived in New Zealand, mostly as distant silhouettes and almost always in flight. These new works focus in and place the birds centre stage. In the last few months I have bought my first pair of binoculars and visited some Nature Reserves to observe and draw, becoming more aware of behaviour patterns, colouring , textures, character and habitats. I have also used bird films to study and sketch. These six works include familiar favourites and I am beginning work on more.
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Jude Eldridge
Tidepool 1